A Guide To Creating a Successful Voice Over Artist Profile on OutSpoken Voices

A Guide To Creating a Successful Voice Over Artist Profile on OutSpoken Voices

So you’ve gone through the voice over artist registration process with OutSpoken and you’ve been successful. Welcome to the family! 

We rigorously check each and every application to make sure that we represent the best, most talented and experienced voice over artists. 

Now it’s time to build your OutSpoken profile. It’s very important for your future success as a voice artist that you spend some time and give careful thought to how you’d like to present yourself to the potential clients. Here are some simple steps to make the most out of your profile.

After you log in to your brand new account, go to My Profile section. There, you will see five different tabs on the left:

  1. Personal data

    This is the section where you’ll put your full name, address, date of birth, etc. Most of this information will already be populated from when we collected it at registration.

    Focus on the Other languages fluently spoken section, where you should specify the languages that you speak fluently and would feel confident recording a session in. We have a variety of requests from clients, for example, requirements for a non-English voice over artist who can record a script in English with their native accent.

    The Accents section is equally important. If you can do genuine regional accents like Manchester, Liverpool, Yorkshire or Irish, New York, Australian, etc be sure to specify in this section. If the client is looking for someone who can read the script in Brummie accent for example, you don’t want to be missed from that list. 

    Our clients use both language and accent filters when searching for voice artists on our site, so don’t sell yourself short and make sure your profile is accurate and up-to-date with this information

  2. Experience and Equipment

    If you’ve invested a great deal of effort to build out your home studio, this is your place to shine. 

    Give as much details as possible on your audio equipment and the editing software that you use. List which recording booth you’ve got, which interface you use or how the client can connect with your studio for live sessions. Our customers are increasingly tech savvy and take an interest in the equipment when selecting voices. 


    Detailing your setup will give potential clients confidence that your recording will be top quality and increase your chances of getting hired.

  3. Payment Information

    This is where you can enter your bank information. It’s optional to provide your bank details, however it can make the payments process a lot quicker. Please make sure that your payment information is always up to date, we can’t be held responsible for payments to accounts that have been entered incorrectly.If you’re not comfortable with disclosing this information on our website, we’ll contact you directly once the payment is due. You’ll be able to share your bank details with us either via email or phone. 

  4. Account Data

    You can change your password to OutSpoken here.

  5. Public Profile

    Here you can add:

        • Voice age

            ◦ How old you sound 

        • Voice style tone

            ◦ Are you a guy next door? Or do you have more authoritative tone? 

        • Response time

            ◦ the time by which you’ll respond to queries and castings.  

        • Upload demo reels

            Please make sure that you upload your reels with naming that makes it easy for customers to identify.
            Use the following examples as guidance:

            • Main reel – this can be your mixed demo  
            • Commercial (can include brand name or language,  e.g. Commercial Lloyds Bank, Commercial English)
            • Narration
            • Audiobook
            • Animation 
            • IVR or Phone Messaging 
            • Corporate
            • Video game
            • Character 
            • Educational
            • E-Learning
            • Documentary
            • Explainer
            • Training
            • Promo 
            • Imaging

            It’s very important that you name your reels using the above descriptions. It helps the customers quickly find and listen to reels that they are most interested in and it makes your profile look nice and tidy.

            Please note that you must include a dry studio read (dry, unedited recording without background music or effects) as well. This helps potential clients know what sort of quality recording they can expect from you. We also ask all our artists not to upload more than 10 voice reels.

    And last but not least, there’s the:

        • Voice artist description
            This is the place where you give some information about your experience and voice over background. We encourage our talent to state:
                • Any voice over training you have done
                • Attendance at drama school or theatre school
                • Any other training experiences

            If you are a bilingual artist, it is particularly important that you let your future clients know which languages you speak natively. Or maybe you lived in different parts of the UK and that is why you’re confident doing various regional accents. 

            Think about the sort of voice over projects you’d like to work on. What kind of voice recordings you feel most at home with? If video games and animations are your niche, then let the clients know. List the voice over work you’ve done so far and what clients you’ve worked for.  


Completing your voice over artist’s profile on OutSpoken’s website is crucial for your future success on our platform. The more information you give, the better chances of you getting hired for the next voice over project. Your profile is an equivalent of your portfolio. The customers want to know who they are working with and the information you include on your dedicated voice over artist’s page, increase your chances of being selected.  

If you’re still not sure how your profile should look like, here are some examples of the pages we like:




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May 7th at 12:00am

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